FOSS Recap 2024

Fellow Arch Linux mate kpcyrd recently published a “2024 recap” blog post which (in addition of being a really cool, interesting and impressive read) inspired me to write my own.

So here is a recap of all the noticeable FOSS related stuff I had the chance to work on & achieve in 2024. 😄

Arch Linux


Testing Team

  • Together with gromit, we published a successful call for participation to the Arch Linux testing team.

  • Together with gromit, we created around 120 new testing accounts.

  • Aside from the usual Arch Linux testing, I helped testing some kernel and systemd pre-releases (respectively packaged by gromit and eworm).


Increasing the default vm.max_map_count value

Devtools / pkgctl (Arch Linux packaging tooling)



Arch Summit Organization

  • I was a part of the organization committee of the 2024 edition of the Arch Summit (a yearly event during which Arch staff meet, socialize and work on multiple subjects), which was held in Hamburg (Germany) with 32 attendees.

Nvchecker PoC


Mediator role


AUR moderation

  • I, more or less actively, participated to the AUR moderation throughout the whole year.

Alpine Linux


  • I pushed 34 commits to Alpine’s aports.

    • Most of which being aports (packages) updates.
    • Still a total of 7 new aports (packages) pushed to Alpine’s repositories.
  • I raised some packaging related issues.


  • Arch-Update got 34 new releases in 2024 (including 2 major ones), 15 new contributors and a lot of new features, most notably:

    • Add support for colored output.
    • Add support for an arch-update.conf configuration file (allowing to enable / disable and modify certain options).
    • Improvements to the way Arch news are fetched and displayed to users.
    • Add basic shell completions for bash, zsh and fish.
    • Add a clickable and dynamic systray applet allowing to quickly see the list of pending updates, run an update check and run arch-update.
    • Add support for identifying systemd services that need a post-upgrade restart and allow users to do so (in addition of checking pending kernel upgrade requiring a reboot).
    • Add support for run0 (in addition of sudo & doas).
    • Add support for pikaur (in addition of yay & paru).
    • And a lot more…


  • I attended to some FOSS related events:

    • FOSDEM.
    • Arch Summit.
    • Local event about DevOps & Infrastructure, during which I gave a talk about pkgctl (no recording unfortunately).
  • I wrote 2 blog posts.

  • I donated a few bucks to some people I value the work and have / had the privilege to collaborate with.

That’s it!

Obviously, the point isn’t to “show off” or anything, but writing this recap was actually quite fun and I’m personally very happy & proud about everything I had the chance to work on & achieve this year!
I actually intend to write a similar retrospective for the years to come. I have a few objectives set for 2025 and some work started already. 😃

I’d like to conclude by thanking everybody who contributed one way or another to the above accomplishments and to my work in general!
Also, happy new year everyone! 🎉