FOSS Recap 2024

Fellow Arch Linux mate kpcyrd recently published a “2024 recap” blog post which (in addition of being a really cool, interesting and impressive read) inspired me to write my own.

So here is a recap of all the noticeable FOSS related stuff I had the chance to work on & achieve in 2024. 😄


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Maintaining and building Alpine packages from Arch Linux

Alpine packaging tooling are now available in the Arch Linux [extra] repository!

I recently added the abuild and atools Alpine packaging tooling to the Arch Linux [extra] repository.

Thanks to that, these tools can now be used to maintain and build Alpine packages (in a clean chroot) from an Arch Linux system, without requiring to rely on a separate Alpine installation, such as a container or a VM.
By enabling the Alpine packaging workflow directly from an Arch Linux system, this streamlines the process of maintaining Alpine packages for Arch users that also contribute to Alpine Linux (like I do).


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What should we learn from the XZ situation as Package Maintainers?


As you probably already know by now, a backdoor / security vulnerability has been recently discovered in xz. In this article, I won’t cover the technical aspect or the potential consequences of it (it has already been done by people way more knowledgeable than am I on that matter) but I will expose what I think we should learn from it, from a packaging stand point.


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Automatically power back on servers after a power outage with a Raspberry Pi and Wake On Lan


I recently woke up with a non-working network connection in my house, both internet and LAN accesses were down.
I immediately checked on my internet provider, but my router seemed running just fine and no breakages were reported on their side in my region.

I then decided to check on my own infrastructure and realised that both of my physical servers were down. Those servers host my DNS and DHCP services, which explains why I had a faulty network connection.
After a quick thought, I understood that a power outage occurred during the night (which wasn’t so obvious at first as the power was back when I woke up), causing my servers to go down. While my router automatically switched back on when the power came back, my servers didn’t. Indeed, without extra configuration, you physically need to press down the power button to power them on.


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The automated workflow I use to manage this website

The website

This website is built with the HUGO static website generator using the anatole theme.
The website’s source code is hosted in this GitHub repository.

Automated CI / CD workflow

Every changes I make (e.g. creating a new article, update the theme, add new parameters to the website, …) are done in my local git repository on the dev branch.
Once the changes are pushed to GitHub, I create a pull request from the dev branch to the main branch, which triggers CI / CD pipelines (running on my own self-hosted runners):


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Welcome to!

As stated in the home page, this website serves as a central place to get general & contact info about me.

If you want to contact me, you can reach me at, @Antiz on Mastodon or Antiz on Libera Chat.

I’ll use this blog section to publish some posts when I feel like it.


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